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Ongoing Spiritual Formation Via Concord Online

Concord is published monthly by the Spiritual Director of the Institue as part of the member formation process. It includes direction on how to live the Pauline spirituality and articles on Scripture, Liturgy, the teaching of the Church, and guidance on living out the Gospel in our marriage and family life in a practical manner.

These links lead to a GoogleDrive window. To open the file, double-click on the red icon.  To make the text larger,  use the magnifying glass or click on the + sign on the bottom of the screen.


Read one of our member's article on the Pastorality Expressed in the Life and Mission of the Holy Family Institute.

"Apostolate is the flower of true charity toward God and toward souls; it is the fruit of an intense interior life. It assumes an ardent heart which cannot contain and suppress the internal fire. Apostolate makes us God's loudspeakers."


(Bl. Alberione)

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