The Holy Family Institute
Spirituality of the Holy Family Institute
The Holy Family Institute shares in the charism of the Pauline Family, that is, to "give the whole Christ, Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life to the World", using all appropriate means, including modern means of social communication. As all Pauline Institutes, members of the Holy Family Institue also draw their enlightment, strength, and initiative from the Eucharistic Christ, specifically through the celebration of the Sacraments and the Eucharistic Visit. Their action must always be preceeded by and based on fervent prayer and must stem from their own relationship with the Divine Master. The gaze of Institute members is on our spiritual Father, St. Paul and on the Founder, Blessed James Alberione, who summarized the essence of Pauline formation quoting the immortal words of St. Paul: "I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me." (Gal 2,20)
The charism specific to Institute members is lifelong spiritual
growth through living the example of the "Holy Family of
Nazareth: Model, Light, and Source of Grace. In the Holy
Family, fathers, mothers and children can find divine lessons
of patience, chastity, filial love and the example of hard work.
In that situation Jesus lived, worked, and prayed for many
years and so the work of restoration began from the family".
(Bl. Alberione)
In their secular condition and within the area of their social
commitments, members will dedicate themselves "for effective
evangelization", to the spread of the message of salvation,
principally according to the apostolate and spirit of the Society
of St. Paul and of the other Congregations in the Pauline Family, in this way extending to many different sectors the action and influence of the Family's specific mission. Members "will develop all their Christian and evangelical possibilities, so that the divine message of salvation be known and accepted by all peoples", and especially within the family circle which is the principal educative nucleus of society. (Statute of the HFI, Ch. 2.)
Members consider the Holy Family of Nazareth as their model and example to imitate and they celebrate its liturgical Feast with particular solemnity. In addition, they have a particular devotion to Jesus, Divine Master, to Mary, Queen of Apostles and to St. Paul, Apostle, "father, teacher and founder" of the Pauline Family. (Statute of the HFI, Ch. 2.)
Fr. Mike Harrington, Jesus Priest Institute
Prayers of the Holy Family Institute
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Pauline Invocation
Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, Have mercy on us.
Queen of the Apostles, Pray for us. St. Paul the Apostle, pray for us.
From all sin, Deliver us O Lord.
Pauline Hymn
Our Way, Our Truth, Our Life Divine - O Jesus our Lord!
On every path as light You shine - O Master adored!
Lead us so we shall fulfill, through our faith and works, Your will.
We praise and bless You. Our hope confess You!
In love we sing, Eternal King, O Master adored!
Your word we'll keep with all our might - O Jesus, our Lord!
The battle of the cross we'll fight - O Master adored!
Docile to Your Church we'll be, by Your truths led joyously.
We praise and bless You. Our hope confess You!
In love we sing, Eternal King, O Master adored!
To Spend The Day Well
Dear and sweet Mother Mary, keep your holy hand upon me;
guard my mind, my heart and my senses, that I may never commit sin.
Sanctify my thoughts, affections, words and actions, so that I may
please you and your Jesus, my God, and reach heaven with you.
Jesus and Mary, give me Your holy blessing:
Pauline Offering
Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the Church, In union with the Eucharistic sacrifice: my prayers, actions, joys, and sufferings of this day, in reparation for sins and for the salvation of all men and women, according to the special intentions of the Superior General, in the grace of the Holy Spirit, for the glory of the heavenly Father.
Pauline Offertory
Father, in union with all those who today
celebrate the Eucharist, I wish to offer myself,
a small victim, with Jesus, the Victim.
- in atonement for error and scandal spread
throughout the world through the misuse
of the media of social communication;
- to appeal to your mercy for those persons
who, deceived and seduced by the influence
of these instruments, stray from your fatherly love;
- for the conversion of these persons who in the use
of these instruments reject the teaching of Christ
and his Church, and thus warp the minds, hearts,
and undertakings of men and women;
- that we may follow Him alone who you, Father
in your boundless love, sent into the world saying:
"This is my beloved Son, hear him;"
- to acknowledge and to make known that Jesus alone,
the Word Incarnate, is the perfect Teacher, the
trustworthy Way who leads to knowledge of you,
Father and to a partaking of your life;
- that there be in the Church an increase in the number
of priests, religious and lay persons who, consecrated
as apostles of social communication will make the
message of salvation resound throughout the world;
- that all those who work within the framework of
social communication may grow in holiness and wisdom
and bear witness to an authentic Christian life;
- that the undertakings of Catholics within the sphere
of social communication may continually increase
so that by promoting more effectively genuine human
and Christian values the voice of error and evil
will be counteracted;
- that well aware of our insufficiency and unworthiness
we may realize the need to draw near the font of life
in all humility and trust and be nourished with your
word, Father, and with the body of Christ, invoking
light, love and mercy for all men and women.
Holy Family Prayer
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, assist me in the hour of my death.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, may I die and rest in peace with you.
Act of Faith, Hope And Charity
My God, I believe in You, I trust in You, I love You, above all things, with all my heart and mind and strength.
I love You because You are supremely good and worth loving; and because I love You, I am sorry, with all my heart, for offending You. Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.
To Recall God's Presence
I believe, My God, that I am in Your presence,
that You are looking at me and listening to my prayers.
You are so great and so holy: I adore You.
You have given me all: I thank You.
You have been so offended by me: I ask your pardon with all my heart.
You are so merciful: and I ask of You all the graces You know are beneficial to me.
For Vocations
O Jesus, eternal Shepherd of our souls, send good laborers into Your harvest.
To Overcome One's Principal Fault
Jesus master, You have said:
"Whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my Name, he will give it to you."
So, in your Name, I ask for victory over my principal fault. (Pause...)
Hear me, O Jesus!
For The Apostolate
O St. Paul the Apostle, our patron, pray for us and for the apostolate of the means of social communication.
For The Souls In Purgatory
Eternal rest, grant to them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.
For The Dying
St Joseph, foster father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying of this day. (if at night: "of this night").
Act Of Humility
O God, You see that our trust is not based on human actions.
Through Your mercy , may the Apostle of the Gentiles
protect us against all adversity. Through Christ our Lord.
Invocations To Jesus Master
Jesus Master, sanctify my mind and increase my faith,
Jesus, teaching in the Church, draw everyone to Your school.
Jesus Master, deliver me from error, from vain thoughts and from eternal darkness.
O Jesus, Way between the Father and us, I offer you all and await all from you.
O Jesus, Way of sanctity, make me Your faithful imitator.
O Jesus Way, render me perfect as the Father, who is in heaven.
Jesus Life, live in me so that I may live in You.
Jesus Life, do not permit me to separate myself from You.
Jesus Life, grant that I may live eternally in the joy of Your love.
Jesus Truth, may I be light for the world!
Jesus Way, may I be example and model for souls!
Jesus Life, may my presence bring grace and consolation everywhere!
Act of Abandonment
By Myself I Can Do Nothing.
With God I can do everything.
For the love of God I want to do all things.
To God the honor, to me heaven.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
We give You thanks for all Your gifts, Almighty God,
Living and reigning now and forever.
Act of Surrender To The Will of God
My God, I do not know what will happen to me today.
I know only that nothing will happen to me that was not
foreseen by You and directed to my greater good from
all eternity. This is enough for me.
I adore Your eternal and unfathomable designs. I submit
to them, with all my heart, for love of You. I offer the sacrifice
of my whole being to You and join my sacrifice to that of Jesus,
my Divine Savior.
In His name and by His infinite merits, I ask You for patience
in my sufferings and perfect submission, so that everything You
want or permit to happen, will result in Your greater glory and
my sanctification.
Pauline Chaplets
Pauline Chaplets for each day of the week are availabe as a separate document HERE. They are centered on the spirituality and devotions of the Pauline Family and invoke the Divine Master, Mary Queen of the Apostles, St. Paul the Apostle, St. Joseph, the Sacred Heart, and the Guardian Angles. They also contain intercessions for the souls in Purgatory, as an important Pauline action. A Pauline Chaplet CD was created in memoriam of Fr. Tom Fogarty, SSP, our first Spiritual Director and Provincial Delegate in the U.S.A.