The Holy Family Institute
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Come and see what God has in store for you in the Holy Family Institute! May the Divine Master give you the necessary graces that will enable you to discern your vocation!
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God doesn’t call us to become someone we are not. Instead, God lovingly calls us to be the best version of ourselves, living our giftedness in the world in the same way that Jesus did.
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Discerning our vocation means discovering how God invites us to live out the gift of who we are in the world. Discernment is asking how might God be calling us to put ourselves, with all our uniqueness and giftedness, at the service of others.
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Prayer for Discerning One’s Vocation
I believe you created me out of love
and that you have a plan for my life.
I offer you all that I am at this moment…
all my joys, talents, concerns, and sufferings.
Help me to see a little more today
just how you are calling me
and give me the courage and strength
to follow you wherever you go.