The Holy Family Institute
Holy Family Institute Media
Concord Online
Concord is published monthly by the Spiritual Director of the Institue as part of the member formation process. It includes direction on how to live the Pauline spirituality and articles on Scripture, Liturgy, the teaching of the Church, and examples of living out the Gospel in our marriage and family life in a practical manner.
Media Apostle - The Alberione Movie
As a young man, James Alberione was kicked out of the seminary–in part because of his misuse of media–but he turned himself around and went on to found a worldwide Catholic media empire and the Pauline Family—10 congregations and institutes of bishops, priests, brothers, sisters and laity in over 60 countries, who together are called to be St. Paul the Apostle living today.
“A beautiful and fitting tribute to Blessed James Alberione–the man who, along with the Pauline Family, anticipated the springtime of the New Evangelization.”
Very Reverend Robert Barron – Founder, Word on Fire, Creator of the CATHOLICISM Series
Links to Other Sites & Resources
HFI Concord is a sister site of the Holy Family Institute maintained by one of our members. It contains videos, images on HFI events and spiritual materials related to Pauline life.
Here you can download HFI promotional materials and flyers for printing on your own:
Some distribution-ready publications can be ordered and get shipped to you in professional quality via on-demand printing:
HFI Liturgy Book (contact the webmaster for more information)
From here you can download and read Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia (On Love in the Family)